Thursday, 29 March 2007

Paul* - October 2005 (Part Deux ... or is it?)

I got an email from Paul* last week. Considering I haven't seen, spoken to or emailed him since the last time we met up [close on two years ago], it was a bit of a surprise. Actually, it wasn't - you'd be amazed how persistent men can be, even if it is sporadic. (An example - I had great sessions of phone and cam sex with a guy in Sweden I met on IRC in early 2004. He still emails me to this very day, even though I haven't spoken to him since April 2004. For all he knows, I could be dead, but he STILL keeps trying! Admirable, sad, or just plain stalker-crazy - you decide.)

Anyway, I know I said I wouldn't meet up with him again, but temptation keeps rearing its ugly head - that, or just boredom with a splash of curiosity - but I must remember to keep my recent vow regarding attached men. Somehow, I think I'll be maintaining the status quo ...

*all names have been changed to protect the guilty

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