Thursday, 15 March 2007

Aman* - October 2005

Aman* responded to a post I put up on CL in 2005. He was an Indian-born Oxbrige-educated lawyer in his 30s. I realise that makes him sound rather pompous, but he was far from it. Disturbingly, he reminded me of my father (in personality only! hehe), though, I hasten to add, that isn't necessarily a terrible thing (love you, Daddy!). We met up for a drink in a bar just off Regent Street, and hit it off. I have to say, he wasn't the best kisser, but his tongue got put to better uses later :) I still don't understand how someone who isn't a great kisser can be amazing at giving oral ....

Aaaanyway, amusingly, we spent the better part of the afternoon in a black cab looking for a suitable hotel in West London (thankfully, we're both hotel snobs!), during which we got to "know each other better". He even offered to take me shopping! [See girls - sometimes you receive when you don't ask!] Unfortunately, I didn't take him up on the offer (and my imaginary Chloe Paddington bag slipped further and further away from my grasp *sob*..............). I guess it was a combination of pride, and guilt - he was married with a heavily-pregnant wife who, as I understood, had kind of gone off sex. Pity - he wasn't bad at all (although I personally would have preferred a" longer" session ....)

I never did see him again after that. He sent me an email a couple of months later asking to meet up, TWO WEEKS after his wife had finally dropped the sprog. That proved a bit too much for me. I mean, at least give it a few months! That's a time when you should be expending all your energy on your new kid and your poor wife. Ah well, I suppose I'm not one to judge ....

Result: sex
Contact: no further contact

*all names have been changed to protect the guilty

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